Mediqua AK - 101
The AK 101 filters water and uses a high tech scientific mechanism to pass the filtered water through an electrolytic cell, which is a critical device in the system to produce alkaline and acidic water.
Characteristics & Specifications
LCD Display
Produces 5 levels of water
3 large sized plates
3 cell electrodes (100% platinum-coated titanium)
Convenient voice automated
Enhanced 2 step dual filtration system
Manual controlled pH range
Soft-touch sensor & much more
ORP : -400 mv
pH Range : 3.5 to 10.5 (+ 0.5)
Hydrogen Levels : 1000 ppb
Filters : Dual (UF & MCF)
Dimensions : 19.0 x 37.5 x 25.0 cm
Warranty – Machine 1 year | Plates 5 years
Made in Korea
Mediqua AK - 2000
Blending world-class technology with the best product design, the all-new AK-2000 will give you a set of health benefits which are truly amazing! Fitted in with latest features and truly world-class design, the wonder water source will change the way we consume water and bring about a never before!
Characteristics & Specifications
- 7 / 9 cell electrodes (platinum coated)
- UV light technology
- Automatic Filter Indication
- Convenient voice automated
- LCD Display
- Enhanced 2 step dual filtration system
- Incredible pH range from 3.0 to 11 (+ 0.5 )
- Automatic cleaning system & much more
- Made in Korea

7 Plate Model : Rs. 2,30,000
9 Plate Model: Rs. 2,50,000
Mediqua AK - 3000
Built from world – class technology integrated with most efficient product design for convenience and ease, Mediqua AK- 3000 has Dual filtration with ultra fine and Multi Carbon filters to produce only the best. Induct to the latest features and unbelievable outcome of Alkaline water Ionizers.
Characteristics & Specifications
- LCD Screen
- Automatic filter indication system
- UV Light technology
- Convenient voice automated
- Amazing 2 step dual filtration system
- Touch sensor
- Incredible pH range from 2.5 to 11.5
- Fully Convertible
- Automatic cleaning System
- ORP: -850 mv
- pH Scale : 2.5 – 11.5( +/- 0.5)
- Hydrogen Levels: 1600 ppb
- Filters: Dual UF & MCF (Ultra Fined & Multi Carbon Filter)
- Dimensions : 35.0 x 35.0 x 15.0 = 18375 cm
- Warranty – Machine 1 year | Plates 5 years
- Machine Life Span- 25 years
- Machine Weight- 5.5 Kg(net)/ 7.3Kg (gross)
- Plate Surface Area- 1083.3 sq cm / 545 sq cm
- Plate Size- 53x 146mm
- Plate Number- 7/9 Plates
Mediqua AK - 5000
The AK 5000 filters water and uses a high tech scientific mechanism to pass the filtered water through an electrolytic cell, which is a critical device in the system to produce alkaline and acidic water.
Characteristics & Specifications
- LCD Display
- Produces 9 levels of water
- 5 / 7 cell electrodes (100% platinum-coated titanium)
- Convenient voice automated
- Enhanced 2 step dual filtration system
- Incredible pH range from 3.5 to 10.5 (+ 0.5)
- Soft-touch sensor & much more
ORP : -400 mv
pH Range : 3.5 to 10.5 (+ 0.5)
Hydrogen Levels : 1000 ppb
Filters : Dual (UF & MCF)
Dimensions : 19.0 x 37.5 x 25.0 cm
Warranty – MAchine 1 year | Plates 5 years
Made in Korea

5 Plate Model: Rs. 1,70,000
7 Plate Model: Rs. 1,90,000

Rs. 3,90,000
Mediqua AK - 9000
The Latest Generation Alkaline Water Ionizer from the house of CREWELTER With never before advantages and health promise! Blending world class technology with best product design,the all-new MEDIQUA Alkaline water ionizer will give you a set of health benefits which are truly amazing!Fitted in with latest features and a truly world class design, the wonder water source will change the way we consume water and bring about a never before healthy change.
Characteristics & Specifications
- Available in two convenient models : Counter Top & Under Sink (With Faucet)
- Incredible pH ranges 3.0 to 11.5
- Up to -850mv ORP
- Up to 1800ppb Dissolved Hydrogen levels
- Front Sliding Door System
- 9 platinum coated titanium plates
- UV light technology
- Ergonomic Design
- Ultra Filtration (1st) & Multi Carbon Filtration (2nd) System
- Easy Scaling System with Cleaning filter
- RFID function – Wireless filter indication system
- 7-inch big Screen
- Select your favourite language – 5 Language Voices
- 400 Programmable pH and ORP levels
- Automatic Cleaning System
Mediqua Undersink Faucet
Mediqua, Korea is one of the pioneers of the industry! The under sink faucet is compact and provides the best quality of alkaline ionized water.
Characteristics & Specifications
- Easy & completely compatible
- Simply operating by touch sensor
- Produces 9 levels of water (4 alkaline water, 4 acidic water,

Rs. 45,000